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Hair consists of Keratin (a protein). The physical properties of natural hair pigmentation are genetically defined.

The innermost section of the hair is the medulla. The middle section is known as the cortex.

The cuticle is the outer layer of the hair shaft.

The medulla is the kernel of the hair. It is composed of loosely connected cells and is the most inconsistent part of the hair and It may be continuous or fragmented within the course of a single hair strand and is generally absent in fine hair.

The large empty spaces in the medulla may influence the sheen and color tones of the hair.

The cortex consists of Keratin fibers that are closely bound together. This is the most important part of the hair and contains the natural pigment.

The cuticle consists of a layer of at cells that are interlocked and form a protective membrane around the hair
shaft. The cuticle has 4 to 8 overlaying cells.

In grey hair, these cells multiply. The single cells are connected by a sort of “cement”. This cement resists in influences from outside but breaks down when chemical treatments are used. Healthy hair has a closed cuticle layer, which makes the hair look shiny.

Closed cuticles will give more light reflection and shine. The Silk Proteins in Keune Tinta Color encourage a closed cuticle layer.

The Cell Membrane Complex is found between individual cuticle cells and between cuticle and cortex cells. It consists of cell membranes and adhesive material that binds the cuticle and cortical cells together in the hair fibers.

The Cell Membrane Complex is made out of Ceramides and other polar lipids.